Cluster Validity Indices

This project was the seminal work of my master’s degree in statistics.

Matthias Quinn


January 22, 2023


The following research examines various clustering methods and internal validity indices. Many clustering algorithms depend on various assumptions in order to identify subgroups, so there exists a need to objectively evaluate these algorithms, whether through complexity analyses or the proposed internal validity indices. The goal is to apply these indices to both artificial and real data in order to assess their fidelity. Currently, there exists no Python package to achieve this goal, but the proposed library offers 31 indices to help the user choose the correct number of clusters in his/her data, regardless of the chosen clustering methodology.

1. Introduction

The goal of this project is to understand and compute a variety of indices that indicate the optimal number of clusters to use when performing a cluster analysis.

Cluster analysis refers to a finding unique subgroup/clusters in a dataset where the observations within each cluster are more related to each other in some way compared to observations in another, separate cluster. There are a plethora of clustering techniques and algorithms, each with a different way of solving the above general problem. In addition, there does not exist a single, optimal clustering solution for any clustering problem. This is also known as the “No Free Lunch” theorem from David Wolpert and William Macready, which states that “any two optimization algorthims are equivalent when their performance is averaged across all possible problems.” (Wolpert, Macready, 2005)

Since cluster analysis is inherently an unsupervised learning technique, the selection of the optimal number of clusters is subjective. Consider the following example that was made via Python:

from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

data, true_labels = make_blobs(n_samples=500, n_features=2, centers = 4, random_state=1234, cluster_std=0.9)

points = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['x', 'y'])

k4 = KMeans(n_clusters=4, random_state=1234).fit(points)
k5 = KMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=1234).fit(points)
k6 = KMeans(n_clusters=6, random_state=1234).fit(points)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224)

ax1.scatter(points['x'], points['y'], color="black")
ax2.scatter(points['x'], points['y'], c=k4.labels_.astype(float))
ax3.scatter(points['x'], points['y'], c=k5.labels_.astype(float))
ax4.scatter(points['x'], points['y'], c=k6.labels_.astype(float))

ax1.title.set_text('Original Data')
ax2.title.set_text('K=4 Clusters')
ax3.title.set_text('K=5 Clusters')
ax4.title.set_text('K=6 Clusters')
C:\Users\miqui\anaconda3\envs\MLDL\lib\site-packages\sklearn\cluster\ FutureWarning:

The default value of `n_init` will change from 10 to 'auto' in 1.4. Set the value of `n_init` explicitly to suppress the warning

C:\Users\miqui\anaconda3\envs\MLDL\lib\site-packages\sklearn\cluster\ FutureWarning:

The default value of `n_init` will change from 10 to 'auto' in 1.4. Set the value of `n_init` explicitly to suppress the warning

C:\Users\miqui\anaconda3\envs\MLDL\lib\site-packages\sklearn\cluster\ FutureWarning:

The default value of `n_init` will change from 10 to 'auto' in 1.4. Set the value of `n_init` explicitly to suppress the warning

The figure above helps to illustrate that the definition of a cluster is imprecise and that the best definition depends on the nature of the data and the user’s desired results.

2. Methods

2.1 Language

Python was chosen as the language of choice due to the author’s familiarity with the various libraries made available in Python, including the NumPy and Sci-kit Learn modules. R was heavily used to double-check many of the algorithms and indices, relying mostly on the NbClust library (Charrad, 2014).

3. Clustering Algorithms

It is worth mentioning that the algorithms discussed below are not an exhaustive list of potential clustering methods and the proposed Python package supports any method that produces predictive labels. Also, R’s NbClust package only supports two clustering algorithms at the moment; namely, K-Means and Hierarchical clustering.

3.1 K-Means

The K-Means algorithm is a centroid-based clustering technique and is one of the most popular clustering algorithms, so it had to be covered. A slight alternative to the algorithm, K-medians, uses the median instead of the mean, but will not be covered in this project. The algorithm attempts to minimize the within-cluster variances, which will be formalized next.

3.1.1 The K-Means Algorithm

Given a set of n observations each consisting of d dimensions, and wanting to partition those observations into k clusters, the goal is to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares (WSS). Formally, the K-Means algorithm is as follows:

Fig.2 - Pseudocode for the generic K-Means algorithm

Initially, points are assigned to the initial centroids, which in this case is the mean. After the points are assigned to the centroid, the centroid is then updated until no more changes occur and the algorithm converges. There is no guarantee, however, that the algorithm will converge. The objective is to minimize the pairwise squared deviations of points in the same cluster:

argmin \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{k}\frac {1}{2 |S_i|} * \sum ||{x - y}||^{2} \tag{1}

The within cluster sum of squares, or what the Sci-kit Learn package calls inertia, is a measure of how internally coherent separate clusters are. The optimal value is 0 while lower values indicate more separated clusters. Sci-kit Learn uses Lloyd’s algorithm which follows the steps in the algorithm presented above and uses the squared Euclidean distance.

3.1.2 Time and Space Complexity

K-Means only needs to store the data points and each centroid. Specifically, the storage requirements for the algorithm is O(n(m + K)), where m is the number of data points, n is the number of variables, and K is the pre-specified number of clusters. K-Means runs in linear time, in particular, O(I*K*m*n), where I is the number of iterations until convergence. As long as the number of clusters remains significantly below the number of variables, the K-Means algorithm should run in linear time.

3.2 Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

Another commonly-used approach for clustering is that of hierarchical clustering, of which, there are two approaches; namely, Agglomerative, and Divisive.

Agglomerative: Start with n clusters and keep going until you have 1 cluster.

Divisive: Start with 1 cluster and decompose until you have n clusters.

This section will focus solely on the Agglomerative variant.

3.2.1 Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm

Fig.3 - Pseudocode for the generic Agglomerative clustering algorithm The key operation of the Agglomerative Clustering algorithm is the calculation of the proximity between two clusters, where the definition of cluster proximity differentiates the various agglomerative flavors.

Ward’s method assumes that a cluster is represented by its centroid, but it measures the proximity between two clusters in terms of the increase in the SSE that results from merging the two clusters. Ward’s method attempts to minimize the sum of the squared distances of points from their cluster centroids. The initial cluster distances in Ward’ minimum variance method are defined to be the squared Euclidean distance between points:

d_{ij} = ||X_i - X_j||^2 \tag{2}

3.2.2 Time and Space Complexity

Ward’s method requires the storage of 0.5n^{2} where n is the number of datapoints and the storage required to keep track of the clusters is proportional to the number of clusters, which is n-1, excluding singleton clusters. Thus, the total space complexity of Ward’s method is O(n^{2}).

Next, in terms of the time required to run the algorithm, a good place to start is the computation of the proximity matrix. O(n^{2}) time is required to compute the proximity matrix. Afterwards there are n-1 iterations involving steps 3 and 4 because there are n clusters at the start and two clusters are merged after each iteration. In addition, because the algorithm exhaustively scans the proximity matrix for the lowest distances, the run time is O(n^{3}).

Obviously, because of the rather large space and time complexity of the Agglomerative Clustering algorithm, it should not be used for large datasets. In addition, the Agglomerative Clustering algorithm tends to make good local decisions about which two clusters to combine since they can use information about the pairwise similarity of all of the data points. However, once a decision is made to merge two clusters, the merge is final and it cannot be undone.


Density-based clustering locates regions of high density that are separated from one another by regions of low density. A cluster is considered to be a set of core samples and a set of non-core samples that are close to a core sample. In this approach, known as the center-based approach, the density for a particular point is estimated by counting the number of points within a specified radius, which is controlled by the Epsilon parameters.

There are three types of data points of consideration in the DBSCAN algorithm, namely:

Core points: The points are inside the interior of a density-based cluster. A point is a core point if the number of points within a given neighborhood around the point exceeds a certain threshold, min_samples, as defined by Sci-kit Learn.

Border points: A point that is not a core point, but rather falls within the neighborhood of a core point, which can fall within the neighborhood of several core points.

Noise points: Any points that is neither a core point nor a border point.

An example of the three points described above are shown below:

Fig. 4 - Demonstration of Core, Border, and Noise points present during the usage of the DBSCAN algorithm ### 3.3.1 The DBSCAN algorithm

Informally, any two core points that are close enough, within a distance of the Epsilon parameter, are put into the same cluster. Additionally, any border point that is close enough to a core point is put in the same cluster as the core point. Finally, noise points are discarded. More formally:

Fig. 5 - Pseudocode for the generic DBSCAN clustering algorithm ### 3.3.2 Time and Space Complexity

In the worst case, the time complexity of the DBSCAN algorithm is O(n^{2}), where n is the number of data points, since DBSCAN visits each point of the data set. In Sci-kit Learn, the DBSCAN implementation uses two tree data structures, namely, ball trees and kd-trees, to determine the neighborhood of points. In particular, the kd-tree allows for the efficient retrieval of all points within a given distance of a specified points, meaning the time complexity for the DBSCAN algorithm can be as low as O(nlogn)

The implementation of the DBSCAN algorithm in Sci-kit Learn consumes n^{2} floats, but this can be reduced to O(n) since it is only necessary to store the cluster label and what type of point each datum belongs to.

4. Internal Cluster Validity Indices

Users often have to select the best number of clusters in a data set without some indication of what the correct number of clusters should be. In addition, different clustering algorithms can lead to different clusters of the data. In addition, using different parameters for the same algorithm can also lead to different clustering results.

Since the need for effective evaluation standards has been described, this section will focus on a variety of indices that can be used to aid the user in selecting an appropriate amount of clusters.

4.0 Notation:

This section contains information on notations used throughout the rest of the paper.

Let us denote the following:

N = total number of observations in a dataset

m = the total number of numeric variables used to cluster the data

K = the total number of clusters

X = the data matrix of shape [N, m]

C_{k} = A submatrix of X made up of the rows of X where some partition, P_{i}, contains any point X_{i} belonging to cluster k

n_{k} = the number of observations belonging to cluster C_{k}

4.1 Ball-Hall Index

This index is based on the average distance of the items to their respective cluster centroids. It is just the within-group sum of distances and is computed as:

BH = \frac{W_k}{K} \tag{3}

where W_k = \displaystyle \sum ||x_i - \bar{x_i}|| is the within-group dispersion matrix for the data clustered into K clusters. This index requires the computation of centroids and N within-group distances, which itself is O(mN). Thus, Ball-Hall is O(mN) where m is the number of variables in the data set to be clustered.

The maximum difference in the Ball-Hall indices between different clusters is considered to be the optimal number of clusters.

4.2 The Beale Index

Beale, 1969 introduced the idea of using an F-ratio to test the hypothesis of the existence of q_1 versus q_2 clusters in the data (q_2 > q_1). The optimal number of clusters is obtained by comparing F with an F_{p, (n_m-2)p} distribution, where the null hypothesis would be rejected for significantly large values of the F-statistic. In the proposed Python package, the user can control the \alpha level used to compute the critical F value, and the default value is 0.10.

Mathematically, the calculation of the Beale index is as follows:

Beale = F = \frac {\frac {V_{kl}}{W_k + W_l}}{(\frac {n_m-1}{n_m-2})*2^{\frac {2}{p}}-1} \tag{4}

where V_{kl} = W_m - W_k - W_l and p is the number of variables.

4.3 The C Index

The C index was reviewed by Hubert and Levin, 1976 and is calculated below:

C_{index} = \frac {S_w - S_{min}}{S_{max} - S_{min}}, C_{index} \in (0, 1) \tag{5}


  • S_{min} = the sum of the N_W smallest distances between all the pairs of points in the entire data set;

  • S_{max} = the sum of the N_W largest distances between all the pairs of points in the entire data set.

  • N_{W} = \displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{K} \frac {n_k(n_k - 1)}{2}

The optimal number of clusters is indicated by the minimum value of the C index. Finally, the C-index has a time complexity of O(m^{2}(n + log_2m)), mostly due to the computational cost of sorting the N_W pairwise distances, which can be slow with a large number of observations.

4.4 The Calinski-Harabasz Index

The Calinski-Harabasz index Calinski, Harabasz, 1974, also known as the Variance Ratio Criterion, is a measure of how similar an object is to its own cluster compared to other clusters. From Sci-kit Learn’s website, the score is defined as the ratio between the within-cluster dispersion and between-cluster dispersion. More formally put:

CH_q = \frac{trace(B_k)/(K-1)}{trace(W_k)/(N-K)} \tag{6}

where: W = \displaystyle \sum W_k \tag{7}

and: W_k = \displaystyle \sum (x_i - \bar{x_m})(x_i - \bar{x_m})^{T} \tag{8}

and: trace(W_k) = \displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^n \sum (x_{ip} - \bar{x_{lp}})^{2} \tag{9},

where x_{ip} is the p^{th} attribute of the i^{th} data object and \bar{x_{lp}} is the p^{th} attribute of the centroid of the l^{th} cluster.

The maximum value of the CH score, given a range of clusters, is considered to be the best number of clusters. The Calinski-Harabasz index also has O(mN) complexity.

4.5 Cubic Clustering Criterion

The CCC by Sarle, 1983 is obtained by comparing the observed R^2 to the approximate expected R^2 using an approximate variance-stabilizing transformation. CCC values greater than 0 mean that the obtained R^2 is greater than would be expected if sampling from a uniform distribution. According to the SAS Institute, the best way to use the CCC is to plot its values against the number of clusters. The CCC is used to compare the R^{2} you obtain for a given set of clusters with the R^{2} you would get by clustering a uniformly/normally distributed set of points in p dimensional space. In addition, the optimal number of clusters is indicated by the maximum CCC value. Mathematically, the CCC can be computed as follows:

CCC = ln[\frac {1 - E[R^{2}]}{1 - R^{2}}] * \frac {\sqrt{\frac {np}{2}}}{(0.001 + E[R^{2}])^{2}} \tag{10}


R^{2} = 1 - \frac {p + \sum u^{2}_j}{\sum u^{2}_j} \tag{11}


E[R^{2}] = 1 - \displaystyle \frac {\sum_{j=1}^{p} \frac {1}{n + u_j} + \sum_{j=p+1}^{p} \frac {u^{2}_j}{n + u_j}}{\displaystyle \sum^{p}_{j=1} u^{2}_{j}} * [\frac {(n - k)^{2}}{n}] * [1 + \frac {4}{n}] \tag{12}


u_j = \frac {s_j}{c} \tag{13}


c = (\frac {v}{k})^{\frac {1}{p}} \tag{14}


v = \displaystyle \prod_{j=1}^{p} s_{j} \tag{15}


p is the largest integer less than k such that u_p is not less than one.

Finally, the reason for the odd ending to the expected r-squared formula was derived empirically to stabilize the variance across different combinations of observations, variables, and clusters.

4.6 D Index

The D Index from Lebart et al., 2000 is based on clustering gain on intra-cluster inertia, which measures the degree of homogeneity between the data associated with a cluster. It calculates their distances compared to the cluster centroid.

Mathematically, intra-cluster inertia is defined as:

W(P^k) = \frac {1}{k} \displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{K} \frac {1}{n_k} \sum_{i=1}^{n_k} d(x_i, c_k) \tag{16}

The clustering gain on the intra-cluster inertia, given two partitions, P^{k-1} composed of k-1 clusters and P^k composed of k clusters, is defined as:

Gain = W(P^{k-1}) - W(P^{k}) \tag{17}

The clustering gain above should be minimized. In addition, the optimal suggested number of clusters corresponds to a significant decrease of the first different of clustering gain, compared to the number of clusters. This “significant decrease” can be identified by examining the second differences of clustering gain.

4.7 Davies-Bouldin Index

The Davies-Bouldin Index is a function of the sum ratio of within-cluster scatter to between-cluster separation. A lower value indicates a better clustering solution, i.e. better separation between the clusters.

Mathematically, the index is defined as the average similarity between each cluster and its most similar one, where the similarity is defined as a measure R_{ij} that is nonnegative and symmetric, like so:

R_{ij} = \frac {s_i + s_j}{d_{ij}} \tag{18}

Then the Davies-Bouldin index is defined as:

DB = \frac {1}{k} \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{k}max(R_{ij}) \tag{19}

Finally, in terms of computational complexity, the Davies-Bouldin index runs in O(m(k^2 + N)) time.

4.8 Duda Index

The Duda index, Duda and Hart, 1973 is the ratio between the sum of squared errors within clusters when the data are partitioned into two clusters, and the squared errors when only one cluster is present.

Mathematically, this can be represented as:

Duda = \frac {W_k + W_l}{W_m} \tag{20}

The optimal number of suggested clusters is the smallest k such that:

Duda \ge 1 - \frac {2}{\pi p} - 3.20 \sqrt{\frac {2(1 - \frac {8}{\pi^{2}p}}{n_m p}} \tag{21}

where 3.20 is a Z-score tested by Milligan and Cooper, 1985

4.9 Dunn Index

The Dunn index (Dunn, 1974) is the ratio between the minimal intercluster distance to the maximal intracluster distance. If the data set contains well-separated clusters, the diameter of the clusters is expected to be small and the distance between the clusters should be large. Thus, the suggested optimal number of clusters corresponds to the maximum value of the Dunn index.


Dunn = \frac {d_{min}}{d_{max}} \tag{22}


d_{min} = \min{(\min{||M_{i}^{k} - M_{j}^{k'}||})} \tag{23}


d_{max} = \max{(\max{||M_{i}^{k} - M_{j}^{k}||})} \tag{24}

and d_{max} is known as the diameter of a cluster, or the largest distance separating two distinct points in a particular cluster.

In terms of computational complexity, the Dunn index runs in O(mN^{2}) time.

4.10 Frey Index

The Frey index,proposed by Frey and Van Groenewoud, 1972, is the ratio of the difference scores from two successive levels in a hierarchy. This means that the index should only be used on hierarchical clustering method. The numerator represents the difference between the mean between-cluster distances while the denominator represents the difference between the mean within-cluster distances, each from the two levels.

Mathematically, the Frey index can be written as:

Frey = \frac {\bar{S_{b_{j+1}}} - \bar{S_{b_j}}}{\bar{S_{w_{j+1}}} - \bar{S_{w_j}}} \tag{25}

where the mean between-cluster distance is:

\bar{S_b} = S_b / N_b \tag{26}

and the mean within-cluster distance is:

\bar{S_w} = S_w / N_w \tag{27}

The best clustering solution occurs when the ratio falls below 1.0, and the cluster level before that point is taken as the optimal partition. In addition, if the ratio never falls below 1.0, a one cluster solution is usually best.

4.11 Gamma Index

The Gamma Index compares all within-cluster dissimilarities and all between-cluster dissimilarities. A comparison is concordant/discordant if a within-cluster dissimilarity is less/greater than a between cluster dissimilarity. Ties are disregarded. Also, the maximum value of the index indicates the optimal suggested number of clusters.

Mathematically, the Gamma Index is defined as:

Gamma = \frac {s(+) - s(-)}{s(+) + s(-)} \tag{28}


s(+) is the number of concordant comparisons


s(-) is the number of discordant comparisons

Furthermore, the definition of concordant and discordant pairs is defined mathematically below:

s(+) = \frac {1}{2} \displaystyle \sum \sum \frac {1}{2} \sum \sum \delta(||x_i - x_j|| < ||x_p - x_k||) \tag{29}


s(-) = \frac {1}{2} \displaystyle \sum \sum \frac {1}{2} \sum \sum \delta(||x_i - x_j|| > ||x_p - x_k||) \tag{30}


\delta(\cdot) = 1 if the corresponding inequality is satisfied and \delta(\cdot) = 0 otherwise.

In terms of computational complexity, this index requires the computation of all pairwise distances between objects, which itself is O(mN^{2}). In addition, computing s(+) and s(-) requires O(\frac {N^{4}}{k}) time, so the total computational cost of the Gamma index is O(mN^{2} + \frac {N^{4}}{k}). This index should almost never be used for large data sets as it is very resource heavy. The performance of this particular index, along with the G+ and Tau indices, will be discussed in the performance section later on.

4.12 G-Plus Index

The G+ index is another metric based on the relationships between just the discordant pairs of objects, s(-). It is simply the proportion of discordant pairs with respect to the maximum number of possible comparisons. The optimal number of clusters in the data is given by the minimum value of the index.

Mathematically, the index can be computed as:

G+ = \frac {2s(-)}{N_t * (N_t - 1)} \tag{31}

The computational run time of the G+ index is also O(mN^{2} + \frac {N^{4}}{k}) and as such should not be used for larger data sets.

4.13 Hartigan Index

The Hartigan index is based on the Euclidean within-cluster sums of squares. The optimal number of clusters is given by the maximum difference between successive clustering solutions.

Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

Hartigan = (W_k / W_{k+1}) * (N - K - 1) \tag{32}

where W_k = \displaystyle \sum ||x_i - \bar{x_i}|| is the within-cluster dispersion matrix for the data clustered into K clusters

The computational run time of the Hartigan index is O(n(k^{2} + m)) and is discussed in further detail ahead.

4.14 Log SS Ratio Index

This index, from J. A. Hartigan. Clustering algorithms. New York: Wiley, 1975. considers the within (WGSS) and between (BGSS) cluster sums of squares. It should be noted that the log used is base 10, not e.

The time complexity of this index is, at worst, O(n(k^{2} + m)) and at best O(nm) when k^{2} << m. Thus, this index is ideal for data with naturally large clusters.

4.15 Marriot Index

The Marriot Index Marriot, 1971 is based on the determinant of the within-group covariance matrix.

Mathematically, it is computed as:

k^{2} * det(W_{k}) \tag{33}

The suggested optimal number of clusters is based on the maximum difference between successive levels of the Marriot index. The overall computational complexity of the Marriot index is O(m^{2}N + m^{3}), making it suitable for large datasets with a medium number of dimensions.

4.16 McClain Index

The McClain and Rao index McClain and Rao, 1975 is the ratio of the average within cluster distance - divided by the number of within cluster distances - and the average value between cluster distances - divided by the number of cluster distances.

Mathematically, it is formed by:

McClain = \frac {\bar{S_w}}{\bar{S_b}} = \frac {S_w / N_w}{S_b / N_b} \tag{34}

The optimal suggested number of clusters corresponds to the minimum value of the index. Finally, in terms of computational complexity, the McClain Rao index runs in O(mN^{2}) time.

4.17 Point-Biserial Index

The Point Biserial index is the point-biserial correlation between the dissimilarity matrix and a corresponding matrix consisting of either 0’s or 1’s. A value of 0 is assigned if the two corresponding points are clustered together by the algorithm and 1 otherwise.

Mathematically, the index is defined as:

PB = \displaystyle \frac {[\bar{S_b} - \bar{S_w}] * \sqrt{[N_w*N_b/N_t^2]}}{s_d} \tag{35}


\bar{S_w} = S_{w} / N_{w} \tag{36}


\bar{S_b} = S_b / N_b \tag{37}


s_d \tag{38}

is the standard deviation over all of the distances


N_k = The number of data points in each cluster, so an array of length K

N_{T} = \frac {N*(N-1)}{2} = Total number of pairs of distinct points in the data set.

N_{W} = \displaystyle \frac {n_k * (n_k - 1)}{2} = The number of paris of points belonging to clusters k and k'.

N_{B} = \displaystyle \sum_{k<k'} {n_k * (n_{k'})} = The number of pairs of points belonging to clusters k and k' where k and k' are not the same cluster.

In terms of computational complexity, the Point-Biserial index takes O(nm^{2}) time to be computed.

4.18 Pseudo T2 Index

The Pseudo t^{2} index from Duda and Hart, 1973 can only be applied to hierarchical clustering methods, but is included for all clustering methods in the proposed Python package. This is because the user should understand that the metric should only be used for that specific method.

Mathematically, the index is computed as:

Pseudo-t^{2} = \frac {V_{kl}}{\frac {W_k + W_l}{n_k + n_l - 2}} \tag{39}

The suggested optimal number of clusters is based on the smallest q such that:

Pseudo-t^{2} \le (\displaystyle \frac {1 - CritValue}{CritValue}) \times (n_k + n_l -2) \tag{40}

4.19 Ratkowsky-Lance Index

The Ratkowsky and Lance, 1978 index is based on the average of the ratio between the between-group sum of squares and the total sum of squares for each variable.

Mathematically, it is computed as:

RL = \frac {\bar{S}}{K^{1/2}} \tag{41}


\bar{S^{2}} = \frac {1}{p}\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^{p} \frac {BGSS_j}{TSS_j} \tag{42}


BGSS_j = \displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{m}n_k*(c_{kj} - \bar{x_j})^{2} \tag{43}


TSS_j = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_{ij} - \bar{x_j})^{2} \tag{44}

The optimal number of clusters is suggested by the maximum value of the index. Finally, the index runs in O(m(k^{2} + N)) time.

4.20 Ray-Turi Index

This index, proposed by Ray and Turi in 1999, came off of the heels of image segmentation, which separates parts of images into differing components. The index is simply the ratio between the intra-cluster distance and the inter-cluster distance.

Mathematically, it can be written as:

RT = \frac {intra}{inter} \tag{45}


intra = \frac {1}{N} \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{k} \sum ||x - c_{k}||^{2} \tag{46}


inter = min(||c_{k} - c_{k+1}||^{2}) \tag{47}

and c_k is the centroid of cluster C_{k}

Since the goal is to minimize the intra-cluster distance - the numerator - the optimal cluster partitioning corresponds to the minimum value of the Ray-Turi index.

4.21 R Squared Index

While not included as part of the NbClust standard library, the R^{2} index is inherently necessary to compute, since it is relied upon by the cubic clustering criterion, as mentioned above. The maximum difference between successive clustering levels is regarded as the best partition. The mathematical formulation is as follows:

R^{2} = 1 - \frac {p + \sum u^{2}_j}{\sum u^{2}_j} \tag{48}

R^{2} = 1 - \frac {tr(X^{T}X - \bar{X}^{T}Z^{T}Z\bar{X})}{tr(X^{T}X)} \tag{49}


\bar{X} = (Z^{T}Z)^{-1}Z^{T}X \tag{50}


X^{T}X \tag{51}

is the total sum of squares and cross-products matrix of shape (p \times p).

4.22 Rubin Index

The Rubin Index, proposed by Friedman and Rubin in 1967, is based on the ratio of the determinants of the data covariance matrix and within-group covariance matrix.

Mathematically, it can be formed like so:

Rubin = \frac {det(T)}{det(W_k)} \tag{52}

The optimal clustering solution is given by the minimum value of the second differences between clustering levels. In terms of computational complexity, the Rubin index runs in O(m^{2}N + m^{3}) time.

4.23 Scott-Symons Index

The Scott-Symons index, Scott and Symons, 1971, uses information from the determinants of the data covariance matrix and the within-group covariance matrix, similar to the Rubin index.

Mathematically, it can be written as:

n*log(\frac {det(T)}{det(W_k)}) \tag{53}


T = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{N} (x_i - \bar{x})(x_i - \bar{x})^{T}


W_k = \displaystyle \sum (x_i - \bar{x_m})(x_i - \bar{x_m})^{T} \tag{54}

The optimal suggested number of clusters is given by the maximum value of the index. Finally, the index runs in O(m^{2}N + m^{3}) time.

4.24 SD Index

The SD validity index is based on the concepts of average scattering for clusters and total separation between clusters.

Mathematically, it is computed as:

SDindex(q) = \alpha*Scat(q) + Dis(q) \tag{55}

The scattering term, or the average compactness of clusters, is computed as:

Scat(q) = \frac {\frac {1}{q} \sum ||\sigma^{k}||}{||\sigma||} \tag{56}


Dis(q) = \frac {D_{max}}{D_{min}} \displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{q} (\sum_{z=1}^{q}||c_k - c_z||)^{-1} \tag{57}

and D_{max} is the maximum distance between cluster centers and D_{min} is the minimum distance between cluster centers. In addition, \sigma is the vector of variances for each variable in the data set and \sigma^{k} is the variance vector for each cluster, C_k.

It should be noted that \alpha is a weighting factor equal to Dis(q_{max}) where q_{max} is the maximum number of clusters. The optimal suggested number of clusters is indicated by the minimum value of the SD index.

4.25 SDbw Index

The SDbw index is based on the compactness and separation between clusters.

Mathematically, it can be computed as:

SDbw(q) = Scat(q) + Density(q) \tag{58}


Density(q) = \frac {1}{q(q-1)} \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{q} (\sum_{j=1}^{q} \frac {density(u_{ij})}{max(density(c_i), density(c_j)}) \tag{59}


density(u_{ij}) = \displaystyle \sum_{l=1}^{n_{ij}} f(x_l, u_{ij}) \tag{60}

The Scat(q) term is calculated in the same way as above. The new term - Density(q) - is the inter-cluster density, which is the average density in the region among clusters in relation to the density of the clusters.

The optimal number of clusters is the partition that minimizes the SDbw index.

4.26 Silhouette Score

Introduced by Rousseeuw in 1987, the Silhouette Coefficient is composed of two scores:

  • a: The mean distance between a sample and all other points in the same class

  • b: The mean distance between a sample and all other points in the next nearest cluster

Mathematically, this can be written as:

s = \frac {b - a}{max(a, b)} \tag{61}

Additionally, the Silhouette Score for a set of sample is just the mean Silhouette Coefficient for each sample, like so:

Silhouette = \frac {\sum_{i=1}^{n} S(i)}{n} \tag{62}


a = \frac {\sum d_{ij}}{n_r - 1} \tag{63}


b = min(d_{iCs}) \tag{64}


d_{iCs} = \frac {\sum d_{ij}}{n_s} \tag{65}

The optimal number of clusters is indicated by the maximum value of the index. Scores around 0 indicate overlapping clusters. Finally, the index can be calculated in O(mN^{2}) time.

4.27 Tau Index

The Tau index is based on the \tau correlation between the matrix that stores all of the distances between pairs of observations and a matrix that represents whether a given pair of observations belongs to the same cluster or not. It can be written in terms of concordant and discordant pairs of observations, just like the Gamma and G+ indices.

Mathematically, it can be written as:

\displaystyle \frac {s(+) - s(-)}{\sqrt{[(N_t (N_t - 1) / (2 - t)) * (N_t (N_t - 1) / 2)]}} \tag{66}

where N_t is the total number of distances and t is the number of comparisons between two pairs of observations.

The optimal suggested clustering solution is given by the maximum value of this index. In terms of computational complexity, the Tau index runs in the same time as the Gamma index; namely, O(mN^{2} + \frac {N^{4}}{k}) making it suitable for small datasets.

4.28 Trace-Cov-W Index

The Trace(Cov(W)) index involves using the pooled covariance matrix instead of the within-group covariance matrix.

Mathematically, it can be written as:

TraceCovW = trace(COV[W_k]) = trace(W_p) \tag{67}


W_k = \displaystyle \sum \sum (x_i - c_k)(x_i - c_k)^{T} \tag{68}


W_p = \frac {1}{N-k} * \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{k}W_i \tag{69}


W_i = \displaystyle \sum(x_i - \bar{x_i})(x_i - \bar{x_i})^{T} \tag{70}

The optimal suggested number of clusters is indicated by the maximal difference in index scores. Finally, in terms of computational efficiency, the index can be calculated in O(mN) time, making it ideal for larger data sets.

4.29 Trace-W Index

The Trace(W) index is a simple, difference-like criterion and is one of the most popular choices when selecting the appropriate number of clusters.

Mathematically, it can be calculated as:

Trace(W) = trace(W_k) \tag{71}

where W_k is the within-group covariance matrix.

The optimal suggested number of clusters corresponds to the maximum value of the second differences of the index. Finally, in terms of computational complexity, the index runs in O(mN) time, making it ideal for large data sets.

4.30 Wemmert-Gancarski Index

The Wemmert-Gancarski index, is simply the weighted mean of the quotient of distances between a set of points and the barycenter of the cluster those points belong to.

Mathematically, it can be calculated as:

WG = \displaystyle \frac {1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{K} \max{(0, n_k - \sum_{i \in I_k} R(M_i))} \tag{72}


R(M_i) = \displaystyle \frac {||M_i - G^{k}||}{\displaystyle \min_{k \ne k'} ||M_i - G^{k'}||} \tag{73}


n_k = |x_{k}| \tag{74}

is the cardinality / number of points in a particular cluster


\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{K} n_k = N \tag{75}

4.31 Xie-Beni Index

The Xie-Beni index is an index primarily applied to fuzzy clustering solutions. It is defined as the quotient between the mean quadratic error and the minimum of the minimal squared distances between the points in the clusters.

Mathematically, the index can be calculated as:

XB = \frac {1}{N} * \frac {WGSS}{min(D(C_k, C_{k'})^{2})} \tag{76}


D(C_k, C_{k'}) = min(d(M_i, M_j)) \tag{77}

and d(M_i, M_j) is the distance between the cluster centroids.

The optimal suggested number of clusters corresponds to the minimum value of the index.

import sklearn.cluster
import scipy.cluster
import sklearn.datasets
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist, euclidean
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
from timeit import default_timer as timer
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 30)

sns.set_palette('Paired', 10)

Creating sample data-frames to cluster via NumPy:

dataset_sizes = np.hstack([np.arange(1, 6) * 500, np.arange(3,7) * 1000, np.arange(4,17) * 2000])

Plotting the results:

5.2 Indices Performance

This part will pertain to demonstrating the efficiency of the various clustering metrics offered by the proposed library. In addition, it will detail the various methods used to improve upon the efficiency of previous implementations, if they exist.

def benchmark_algorithm(dataset_sizes, indice_function, function_args, function_kwds,
                        n_columns=10, n_clusters=3, max_time=100, repeats=3):
    # * Initialize the result with NaNs so that any unfilled entries 
    # * will be considered NULL when we convert to a pandas dataframe at the end
    result = np.nan * np.ones((len(dataset_sizes), repeats))
    for index, size in enumerate(dataset_sizes):
        for s in range(repeats):
            # * Use sklearns make_blobs to generate a random dataset with specified size
            # * dimension and number of clusters
            data, labels = make_blobs(n_samples=size, 

            # * Start the clustering with a timer
            start_time = timer()
            indice_function(data, labels, *function_args, **function_kwds)
            time_taken = np.round(timer() - start_time, 4)
            print(f"Run complete for size: {size}; took {np.round(time_taken, 4)} seconds")
            # * If we are taking more than max_time then abort -- we don't
            # * want to spend excessive time on slow algorithms
            if time_taken > max_time:
                result[index, s] = time_taken
                return pd.DataFrame(np.vstack([dataset_sizes.repeat(repeats), 
                                               result.flatten()]).T, columns=['Size','Seconds'])
                result[index, s] = time_taken
    # * Return the result as a dataframe for easier handling with seaborn afterwards
    return pd.DataFrame(np.vstack([dataset_sizes.repeat(repeats), 
                                   result.flatten()]).T, columns=['Size','Seconds'])

5.2.1 Ball-Hall Index:

The Ball-Hall Index is a relatively simple index that is essentially the mean dispersion of all points, relative to the cluster they belong to. As such, the index can be computed in O(nm) time, making it ideal for larger datasets since it only requires computing the centroids of each cluster and the distances of each point within each cluster.

The author’s first attempt at implementing the index was unsuccessful, mostly due to a lack of understanding of the index. As a result, the initial run will not be used as a comparison and instead, only the NbClust version and the author’s new version will be compared.

Starting with the NbClust algorithm first, for a dataset with shape (10000, 5) and K=3, the mean time to compute the index was 0.01027 seconds for 100 trial runs. In addition, the mean amount of resources used to compute the index was around 14.2 MiB. In contrast, the new, working implementation included in the proposed library had a mean run time of 0.00257 seconds, using the same circumstances as the first experiment. In addition, the mean amount of memory used was around 0.059 MiB, used to store the K new, split dataframes from the for-loop.

All together, the new, proposed implementation offers about a 9.5 \times speedup and uses around 0.41 \% of the memory. Reasons for these improvements come mostly from NbClust’s use of the sweep function to compute the mean differences, as well as the multiple uses of the split function, which splits a dataframe into chunks.

5.2.2 C Index:

The author does not believe the NbClust library calculates the C index correctly. For instance, while the source code for the C index correctly calculates the number of within-cluster distances, N_W, it does not correctly compute the sum of the N_W largest/smallest pairwise distances, S_{min} and S_{max} respectively. In addition, it does not utilize a sorting/partitioning method of any kind, which is necessary for finding the largest/smallest pairwise distances.

To alleviate this problem, I rewrote the index to account for all parts of the original equation, from Hubert and Levin, 1976.

In terms of performance, the NbClust implementation will not be considered, for reasons listed above. It should be noted that a previous implementation of the C index was made available in the Python language by John Vorsten in 2020, around the same time that I was working on this very project.

As stated previously, the C index can be computed in O(m^{2}(n + log_2m)) time, which can be prohibitive if the number of variables used in the clustering is large. For reference, when N = 10,000, the number of pairwise distances is 49,995,000; for N observations, the number of pairwise distances is N(N-1)/2. Using the above example, the mean time to compute the index via John’s implementation was 27.5 seconds, compared to the proposed library’s mean run-time of 8.31 seconds.

The largest bottleneck in computing this index is calculating S_{min} and S_{max}, because it requires - at minimum - O(n+ n\log N_{W}) time to locate the N_{W} smallest/largest pairwise distances. The main difference between the proposed library’s implementation and John’s is the calculation of S_{min} and S_{max}. In particular, John’s approach uses Numpy’s sort function, which by itself run’s in O(n^{2}) time, because the underlying algorithm used is a quicksort. However, the new library utilizes Numpy’s partition function, which runs in O(n) time, via the introselect algorithm, and does not require sorting the N_{W} largest/smallest arrays.

5.2.3 Dunn Index:

The Dunn index requires the computation of the entire pairwise distance matrix, just like the C index above, and has a time complexity of O(N^{2}m). This becomes a problem as N grows large, but can be dealt with by precomputing the distance matrix and storing it in memory to query when needed. This reduces the time complexity of the algorithm to just O(K^{2}), where K is the number of clusters under consideration.

In a more practical setting, for a dataset with dimensions (10000, 5) and K = 3, the mean time to compute the Dunn index, without precomputing the pairwise distances, is 4.72 seconds via the proposed Python library. In contrast, the mean time to compute the same index with the same controls in place is 10.84 seconds via the NbClust library. However, when utilizing a pre-computed distance matrix, the times fall to 4.03 seconds and 9.42 seconds for the proposed library and NbClust library, respectively.

The reasoning behind the O(K^{2}) solution lies behind the fact that in order find the maximum diameter / minimum intercluster distance, it requires a nested for-loop, which is used to go through each of the K labels. Indexing an array takes O(1) time, so that lookup is dominated by the outer loops in the expression.

5.2.4 Hartigan Index:

Hartigan is credited with two internal clustering indices, the Hartigan Index and the Log Between/Within SS Index. This section will focus on the Hartigan index mentioned in the NbClust library. It was previously mentioned that the index runs in O(n(k^{2} + m)) time, which can be quite fast when the number of requested clusters is small and the number of observations is also relatively small.

In the original implementation from the NbClust library, using the same setup as above, the index had a mean run-time of 0.0286 seconds and used about 0.92 MiB of memory to compute. In contrast, the proposed library had a mean run-time of 0.0046 seconds and used about 0.004 MiB of memory. For easier reference, the proposed library offers around a 6 \times performance gain while utilizing about 230 \times less memory.

It should be noted that both implementations perform fairly well on most datasets, so long as the dimensions of the dataset are of medium-size or lower.

5.2.5 Point-biserial Index:

As mentioned earlier, the point-biserial index, referenced as the PB index from here on, runs in O(nm^{2}) time, where m is the number of variables being clustered. However, an original implementation of the algorithm to compute the PB index runs in O(n^{2}m) time, on average. For smaller inputs, this difference in run-time may be negligible; however, for larger datasets, the speed-up is quite dramatic. Using posterior analysis, the proposed library offers a speed-up in run-time up to 2600% (n=10,000).

The main bottlenecks to the original implementation were, in decreasing order of execution time: the double for-loop to compute the distances and the design arrays (\mu = 112.5 seconds), converting the design array to a factor (\mu = 84 seconds), and garbage collection (\mu = 43.5 seconds).

A few methods were employed to improve upon the efficiency of the R implementation. Firstly, the design vector was discarded in favor of computing the number of points within/between the given clusters (N_W, N_B), which both run in O(k) time instead of O(n^{2}m) time, since the most tedious computation is counting the number of labels in each cluster. In addition, the biserial function used in NbClust’s version uses a separate code block to compute the biserial correlation between the design matrix and the distances, even though both libraries employ the following equality:

PB = s_n * r_{pb}(A, B) = [(S_W / N_W - S_B / N_B) * \displaystyle \frac {\sqrt{N_W * N_B}}{N_T}] / s_d \tag{78}

5.2.6 R^{2} Index:

The R^{2} Index has the usual interpretation of the amount of variation explained by the clustering solution. It should also be noted that the R^{2} index is not the best method of criterion if your clustering solution is irregularly shaped or highly elongated.

Regarding the time complexity, the original implementation of the algorithm ran in O(k*n^{2}*m^{2}) time. This is because the algorithm has to, for each cluster k and for each variable m: compute the euclidean distance between the cluster center and the observation n, write the product to an array, and then sum the result. The reasoning for the O(n^{2}) in the computation is because the euclidean distance requires O(nm) time to be computed. For datasets with lots of observations and many variables to cluster, this time can be unfeasible to work with.

The new algorithm offers a 812x speedup in compute time, since it does not rely on a double for-loop or the computation of euclidean distances. Rather, it takes the raw data matrix and labels and computes a series of matrix multiplications.

5.2.7 Wemmert-Gancarski Index:

The Wemmert-Gancarski Index was an interesting metric since there was not a lot of literature regarding this index. For reference, the main source for the mathematical formulation of this index was the clusterCrit library vignette.

Initially, the index seemed a bit daunting since a plethora of methods were tried but none of them worked out. Instead, it required a pivot in thinking about how to structure and implement; rather than thinking about building the index in terms of what the output of each step should be, a shape-first approach was taken. More specifically, there were 5 steps to successfully implement the index using the approach of output shapes rather than just the output itself. A diagram of the author’s approach is shown below for easier reference:

WG Index:

Regarding the computational cost of computing the WG index, the modified OpenEnsembles version of the WG index had a mean run time of 2.74 seconds; this is in stark contrast to the author’s proposed implementation that runs in 0.118 seconds. The proposal is not only more than 23 times faster than the previous implementation, but it also uses less memory as well (not a significant difference). Using the same setup as the other indices previously described, the mean amount of memory used per run for the new algorithm was around 0.578 MiB, compared to the original implementation’s 0.622 MiB memory usage; or 8\% less memory.

It should be noted that there were two resource-demanding tasks in the proposed implementation: namely, finding a quotient and finding the distances from each point to its centroid. Finding the quotient between the distance from a point to its barycenter and the minimum distance from a point and all of the other barycenters took, on average, only 0.0013 seconds. Finding the distances from all of the points to their centroids resulted in a mean run time of about 0.003 seconds, using the same setup as above. Finally, the same tasks that were bottlenecks for the new version were also present in the old implementation, but the key difference lies in how those obstacles were handled.

5.2.8 Xie-Beni Index:

The Xie-Beni Index defines the inter-cluster separation as the minimum square distance between cluster centers, and the intra-cluster compactness as the mean square distance between each data object and its cluster center.

In terms of computational complexity, the original implementation of the Xie-Beni index ran in O(k*n^{2}*m^{2}) time. With similar reasoning as the R^{2} index, this can be costly to run for larger datasets, especially if the true clustering solution is not fuzzy, which this index was specifically created for. The updated implementation of the index runs in O(n^{2}) time, necessary for the computation of the distance matrix. In addition, the new algorithm offers up to a 291x speedup compared to the author’s previous application.

Speed-testing the Xie-Beni Index:

# Old version:
def oldXB(X, labels):
    X = pd.DataFrame(X)
    numCluster = int(max(labels) + 1)
    numObject = len(labels)
    sumNorm = 0
    list_centers = []

    for i in range(numCluster):
        # get all members from cluster i
        indices = [t for t, x in enumerate(labels) if x == i]
        clusterMember = X.iloc[indices, :]
        # compute the cluster center
        clusterCenter = np.mean(clusterMember, 0)
        # iterate through each member of the cluster
        for member in clusterMember.iterrows():
            sumNorm = sumNorm + np.power(euclidean(member[1], clusterCenter), 2)

    minDis = min(pdist(list_centers))

    # compute the fitness
    score = sumNorm / (numObject * pow(minDis, 2))
    return score

def centers2(X, labels):
    x = pd.DataFrame(X)
    labels = np.array(labels)
    k = int(np.max(labels) + 1)
    n_cols = x.shape[1]
    centers = np.array(np.zeros(shape=(k, n_cols)))

    # Getting the centroids:
    for i in range(k):
        centers[i, :] = np.mean(x.iloc[labels == i], axis=0)

    return centers

# New version:
def myXB(X, labels):
    "My version of computing the Xie-Beni index."
    nrows = X.shape[0]

    # Get the centroids:
    centroids = centers2(X, labels)

    # Computing the WGSS:
    def getMinDist(obs, code_book):
            dist = cdist(obs, code_book)
            code = dist.argmin(axis=1)
            min_dist = dist[np.arange(len(code)), code]
            return min_dist
    euc_distance_to_centroids = getMinDist(X, centroids)

    WGSS = np.sum(euc_distance_to_centroids**2)

    # Computing the minimum squared distance to the centroids:
    MinSqCentroidDist = np.min(pdist(centroids, metric='sqeuclidean'))

    # COmputing the XB index:
    xb = (1 / nrows) * (WGSS / MinSqCentroidDist)

    return xb
oldxb = benchmark_algorithm(dataset_sizes, oldXB, (), {})
Run complete for size: 500; took 0.0439 seconds
Run complete for size: 500; took 0.0422 seconds
Run complete for size: 500; took 0.0408 seconds
Run complete for size: 1000; took 0.0748 seconds
Run complete for size: 1000; took 0.0761 seconds
Run complete for size: 1000; took 0.0814 seconds
Run complete for size: 1500; took 0.1104 seconds
Run complete for size: 1500; took 0.1092 seconds
Run complete for size: 1500; took 0.1027 seconds
Run complete for size: 2000; took 0.1386 seconds
Run complete for size: 2000; took 0.1345 seconds
Run complete for size: 2000; took 0.1965 seconds
Run complete for size: 2500; took 0.2259 seconds
Run complete for size: 2500; took 0.1997 seconds
Run complete for size: 2500; took 0.1871 seconds
Run complete for size: 3000; took 0.2377 seconds
Run complete for size: 3000; took 0.2225 seconds
Run complete for size: 3000; took 0.3046 seconds
Run complete for size: 4000; took 0.2689 seconds
Run complete for size: 4000; took 0.2988 seconds
Run complete for size: 4000; took 0.3213 seconds
Run complete for size: 5000; took 0.3179 seconds
Run complete for size: 5000; took 0.3531 seconds
Run complete for size: 5000; took 0.3521 seconds
Run complete for size: 6000; took 0.3976 seconds
Run complete for size: 6000; took 0.4837 seconds
Run complete for size: 6000; took 0.4561 seconds
Run complete for size: 8000; took 0.5604 seconds
Run complete for size: 8000; took 0.5961 seconds
Run complete for size: 8000; took 0.568 seconds
Run complete for size: 10000; took 0.7559 seconds
Run complete for size: 10000; took 0.6787 seconds
Run complete for size: 10000; took 0.6996 seconds
Run complete for size: 12000; took 0.9949 seconds
Run complete for size: 12000; took 0.9771 seconds
Run complete for size: 12000; took 1.0966 seconds
Run complete for size: 14000; took 1.2651 seconds
Run complete for size: 14000; took 1.2118 seconds
Run complete for size: 14000; took 1.3354 seconds
Run complete for size: 16000; took 1.3454 seconds
Run complete for size: 16000; took 1.2079 seconds
Run complete for size: 16000; took 1.0968 seconds
Run complete for size: 18000; took 1.2166 seconds
Run complete for size: 18000; took 1.215 seconds
Run complete for size: 18000; took 1.2833 seconds
Run complete for size: 20000; took 1.4117 seconds
Run complete for size: 20000; took 1.3423 seconds
Run complete for size: 20000; took 1.3897 seconds
Run complete for size: 22000; took 1.4809 seconds
Run complete for size: 22000; took 1.5475 seconds
Run complete for size: 22000; took 1.492 seconds
Run complete for size: 24000; took 1.674 seconds
Run complete for size: 24000; took 1.633 seconds
Run complete for size: 24000; took 1.6321 seconds
Run complete for size: 26000; took 1.7576 seconds
Run complete for size: 26000; took 1.7878 seconds
Run complete for size: 26000; took 1.7258 seconds
Run complete for size: 28000; took 1.8395 seconds
Run complete for size: 28000; took 1.9374 seconds
Run complete for size: 28000; took 1.8941 seconds
Run complete for size: 30000; took 2.0428 seconds
Run complete for size: 30000; took 2.041 seconds
Run complete for size: 30000; took 2.0524 seconds
Run complete for size: 32000; took 2.1921 seconds
Run complete for size: 32000; took 2.2152 seconds
Run complete for size: 32000; took 2.154 seconds
newXB = benchmark_algorithm(dataset_sizes, myXB, (), {})
Run complete for size: 500; took 0.0035 seconds
Run complete for size: 500; took 0.003 seconds
Run complete for size: 500; took 0.0029 seconds
Run complete for size: 1000; took 0.0031 seconds
Run complete for size: 1000; took 0.0032 seconds
Run complete for size: 1000; took 0.0021 seconds
Run complete for size: 1500; took 0.0026 seconds
Run complete for size: 1500; took 0.0028 seconds
Run complete for size: 1500; took 0.0022 seconds
Run complete for size: 2000; took 0.0023 seconds
Run complete for size: 2000; took 0.0021 seconds
Run complete for size: 2000; took 0.0027 seconds
Run complete for size: 2500; took 0.0028 seconds
Run complete for size: 2500; took 0.0025 seconds
Run complete for size: 2500; took 0.0023 seconds
Run complete for size: 3000; took 0.0022 seconds
Run complete for size: 3000; took 0.0028 seconds
Run complete for size: 3000; took 0.0022 seconds
Run complete for size: 4000; took 0.0025 seconds
Run complete for size: 4000; took 0.0025 seconds
Run complete for size: 4000; took 0.0028 seconds
Run complete for size: 5000; took 0.0027 seconds
Run complete for size: 5000; took 0.0027 seconds
Run complete for size: 5000; took 0.003 seconds
Run complete for size: 6000; took 0.0029 seconds
Run complete for size: 6000; took 0.0027 seconds
Run complete for size: 6000; took 0.003 seconds
Run complete for size: 8000; took 0.0031 seconds
Run complete for size: 8000; took 0.0032 seconds
Run complete for size: 8000; took 0.0031 seconds
Run complete for size: 10000; took 0.0034 seconds
Run complete for size: 10000; took 0.004 seconds
Run complete for size: 10000; took 0.0036 seconds
Run complete for size: 12000; took 0.0037 seconds
Run complete for size: 12000; took 0.004 seconds
Run complete for size: 12000; took 0.0038 seconds
Run complete for size: 14000; took 0.0049 seconds
Run complete for size: 14000; took 0.0046 seconds
Run complete for size: 14000; took 0.0047 seconds
Run complete for size: 16000; took 0.0045 seconds
Run complete for size: 16000; took 0.0045 seconds
Run complete for size: 16000; took 0.0041 seconds
Run complete for size: 18000; took 0.0052 seconds
Run complete for size: 18000; took 0.0049 seconds
Run complete for size: 18000; took 0.0058 seconds
Run complete for size: 20000; took 0.0052 seconds
Run complete for size: 20000; took 0.0054 seconds
Run complete for size: 20000; took 0.0056 seconds
Run complete for size: 22000; took 0.0063 seconds
Run complete for size: 22000; took 0.0065 seconds
Run complete for size: 22000; took 0.0067 seconds
Run complete for size: 24000; took 0.0066 seconds
Run complete for size: 24000; took 0.0068 seconds
Run complete for size: 24000; took 0.0065 seconds
Run complete for size: 26000; took 0.0069 seconds
Run complete for size: 26000; took 0.0068 seconds
Run complete for size: 26000; took 0.007 seconds
Run complete for size: 28000; took 0.0072 seconds
Run complete for size: 28000; took 0.0071 seconds
Run complete for size: 28000; took 0.0078 seconds
Run complete for size: 30000; took 0.0074 seconds
Run complete for size: 30000; took 0.009 seconds
Run complete for size: 30000; took 0.0079 seconds
Run complete for size: 32000; took 0.0081 seconds
Run complete for size: 32000; took 0.0081 seconds
Run complete for size: 32000; took 0.0073 seconds
means = oldxb.groupby("Size")["Seconds"].mean()
stds = oldxb.groupby("Size")["Seconds"].std()
inter = pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([means, stds], keys=["Mean", "Std. Dev."], axis=1))
olderXB = inter.reset_index()

means2 =newXB.groupby("Size")["Seconds"].mean()
stds2 = newXB.groupby("Size")["Seconds"].std()
inter2 = pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([means2, stds2], keys=["Mean", "Std. Dev."], axis=1))
newerXB = inter2.reset_index()
resultsXB = pd.concat([olderXB, newerXB],
                    axis=0, keys=["Old XB", "My XB"])
resultsXB = resultsXB.reset_index()
resultsXB.columns = ["Indice", "Run", "NObs.", "Mean Time", "SD Time"]
Indice Run NObs. Mean Time SD Time
0 Old XB 0 500.0 0.042300 0.001552
1 Old XB 1 1000.0 0.077433 0.003496
2 Old XB 2 1500.0 0.107433 0.004143
3 Old XB 3 2000.0 0.156533 0.034673
4 Old XB 4 2500.0 0.204233 0.019793
fig = px.scatter(resultsXB, x="NObs.", y="Mean Time", color="Indice",
                 title="Performance Comparison of Various Indice Implementations").update_traces(mode='lines+markers')
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Number of Observations",
                 yaxis_title="Time taken to complete (s)")

6. Conclusion

This project’s objective was to introduce a new Python package for computing internal clustering indices for any particular clustering solution. Given a set of observations, the user is able to run various clustering models as well as a large variety of clustering indices to determine how well a clustering solution fits the data, via the proposed library. It was shown that this library is analogous to the R library NbClust and borrows much of it’s inspiration from the authors previous work. The proposed library offers 31 unique indices to assess the quality of a particular clustering method, sufficient enough to compare against each other.

It was also shown that the proposed library improves upon the NbClust library in a variety of avenues. In addition to offering a wider plethora of indices at the user’s disposal, it also offers better performance for computing most metrics, which was shown above. Furthermore, a difference in design pattern for the two libraries should be noted. While the NbClust library computes various indices for two popular clustering methods: namely, K-Means and agglomerative clustering, the proposed library allows for any clustering method available. This is because the author started the project with the intention of being method-agnostic, allowing the end-user to make that decision.

Finally, the proposed package was not meant to be a replacement for the NbClust library. Rather, the author’s intention was that both libraries would be used in conjunction with one another so as to form a basis for comparison in a user’s project. Also, a user wouldn’t have to utilize multiple languages for his/her project and instead could now use a singular environment to complete his/her tasks.