Produce the same schema that you have, which represents the desired study design. The input to your programs should be the parameters of # of sites, # of subjects/site, a randomization ratio, and various stratification levels.
A reactive application that creates a design schema, given the researchers design parameters.
This project was finished in about 5 weeks.
Let’s say we’re a researcher interested in deciding which treatment to give to our target audience. Since we want to make sure we follow proper guidelines, we decide to reach out to a friend of ours, a statistician, for advice.
She says that a good practice would be to create a credible, experimental design to find what we’re looking for. This project is essentially a reproducible example of our goals with the following condition:
- Write a completely randomized design schema for S subjects at T sites in blocks of B where randomization is N:D in terms of treatment to control.
Running Example:
30 subjects at site one in blocks of 6 where the randomization of treatment to control is 1:1
Setting a seed is necessary for reproducibility.
Also, having explainable code was a requirement for this project, as the client may have wanted to know how to make changes in the future.